How to get that perfect grant proposal?

Research is an expensive proposition and researchers are always at shortage of funds so getting a grant for research is something that would elate every researcher and bring some sense of relief in an otherwise challenging research journey.  The way the researcher applies for the funding goes a long way in deciding whether the proposal would get approved or no in a conventional grant proposal. To break the common belief, research isn’t the core factor that leads to the grant acceptance. There are some other equally important factors that add strength to your grant application. You must ensure that your application has consensus and suggestions by your audience, peers and you have endorsed yourself good enough in it.

Who are the audience?  Audience is the panel of referees who would assess the proposal on behalf of the funding agency. Remember that it is not necessary that the reviewer is an expert in your field of study so  if  you so decide to you heavy terminology in your proposal, you must make sure that you explain it well at all necessary places and at the same time give a clear background of your research question. When I say your proposal should be readable, it means readable in terms of formatting as well as style of writing so that it gets a professional look to itself and is takes seriously by the audience for the same.

 Who are the peers?  Peers are crucial sources to get constructive and valuable opinion. You must ensure to request feedback from colleagues at the initial stage itself and if possible not just once but more number of times, after every revision. If you know some senior researchers who have previously applied for similar funding and have got successful results then they may give you some important and useful tips that any other novice colleague may not be able to do. Sometimes you can retrieve the data from the university, of the researchers whose proposal has been accepted and contact them to help you and guide you in the right direction.

How to do self-endorsement? You need to prove to your audience that not only is your research worthy and significant but you as a researcher are also well equipped to achieve the aims you have set for our research. You must highlight key points in your proposal that affirm your skills and ability as an independent researchers with past achievements, participation, references to your previous publications and by giving proposed solutions to expected hurdles in your journey ahead.


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