After having collected and compiled all the information that you have gathered in an organised fashion, you got to present the information in the form of a paper. Scholars often struggle with writing the first draft, the main challenge with them is to be able to put all the information that has in a single document in a comprehensive and relevant manner. A lot of times, people are not able to collect the threads together so find it difficult to know from where to start. Before you start writing your first draft, try to have the answers to the following questions:
- What is your answer to the question you have raised through the paper?
- What are the key points that you will be discussing in favour of the argument you are presenting
- What is the sequence you are going to follow to discuss your main points?
- How much emphasis would you give on each point, in terms of space and time
- What kind of relevant information will be put into each paragraph
- What kind of references would you use to support your answer?
As a researcher, you must attempt to write your first draft in a single attempt. The main components of your first draft should be all the ideas you think it should incorporate, all supporting facts and examples and a structured outline that you want to give to your document. At this stage of first draft creation, you must not worry about the add on components such as the adjectives, adverbs and other producing verbs. Concentrate your entire effort on the main ideas that are in support of the thesis statement that you have created. All these things are important for your first draft.
One thing though is important and should be taken care of by the writer from the very beginning stage itself so that the task for the subsequent stages is simplified. Make sure that your document follows the academic style and has the correct format that has been given in the guidelines such as spacing, font para numbering, para margins etc. Also, it is a good idea to use footnotes at the first draft stage itself so that whatever support the content you require are available with you from the beginning and at all times. With these tips and incorporations, your first draft would come out to be a useful and substantive document.